On March 11, 2011 the 9.0 magnitude undersea megathrust earthquake, with its epicenter approximately 72 km (45 miles) east of the Oshika Peninsula of Tōhoku, Japan, lasting approximately six minutes, and caused the deadly tsunami that swept away thousands of people without warning.

This deadly quake, caused severe power failure to over 4 million homes and telecommunications in some areas are disrupted.

More than 13,000 reported dead so far, 16,000 are still missing. Over 145,000 people are living in shelters. Aftershocks continue in Japan every day. On April 11, 2011, a powerful aftershock claimed 3 lives.

Japanese Prime Minister confirms that contaminated radioactive water is seeping from the nuclear plant and is leaking into the ocean.

Should you worry about an earthquake in your area?

Since no one can predict when an earthquake will happen, what are you doing to prepare yourself from the possible devastation? Do you know what to do if an earthquake happens? Do you have supplies that will keep you alive, medical aid, water, food? What if there’s no electircity for a days or even weeks. All the food in your refrigerator will go bad. What about ways to communicate with your loved ones? No electricity means no cell phones or land line phones; no internet connection; no computers. No electricity means no lights at night. No security alarm systems. Unable to take cash out at the ABM as the banks are closed due to security reasons, plus their computers are down from the power outage. Stores are closed because no lights inside, cash registers and scanners unable to work without electricity. You will not be able to purchase gasoline for your car because the pumps require electricity and also no way to process credit cards. No police protection because you can’t contact them by phone.

To prepare yourself and your family for such catastrophic power outages that may last for weeks or months, take a look at this New Solar Powered Generator That Produces An Endless Supply Of Electricity For Free!

How do you prepare for an earthquake? Take some time to do research online to find out the important survival supplies you may need. Check the front section of your phone book as most have a section on what to do during emergency situations such as an earthquake.

Here are only a few suggestions:

  • Have at least 3 days of water supply available – at least 5 litres of water per person, per day. Have food that will not get spoiled due to power outage.
  • A well supplied First-Aid kit. Or purchase a survival kit like this My Evac Pack.
  • A fire extinguisher.
  • Have enough water purification tablets available as water may be contaminated. An alternative would be to use 4 drops of household bleach in 4.5 litres of clear water or 10 drops of household bleach in 4.5 litres of cloudy water.
  • Battery operated or hand-cranked powered radio, such as this MIDLAND ER102 7-CHANNEL EMERGENCY CRANK RADIO WITH AM/FM/WEATHER ALERT (BLACK & WHITE).
  • Flashlight with extra batteries.
  • Cash, including coins for the pay phones.

Shoud you worry about more earthquakes around the world?

Should you worry about earthquakes in your area?

Should you worry about how to survive an earthquake?

You decide!

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