For the majority of the smokers, they started smoking at a young age, usually in their teens. They may have been surrounded by parents, relatives or friends who were smokers and made the association that way or they may have been influenced by TV, movies or music videos. They continue this habit for years and some smokers find it difficult to quit.

Most smokers associate a lot of pleasure to smoking as it allows their hand to be occupied with something and during a social gathering that makes them feel confident. Some say it relaxes them especially under stressful circumstances as the chemicals stimulate their brain. For the teenagers, smoking cigarettes make them look more mature or grown up, especially with teen girls who want to act or look older. Whatever the reason for smoking, it leads to a habit that’s difficult to break, even if the person wants to quit.

Most communities in North America have banned smoking in public places such as restaurants, shopping malls, airports, bars or at the office. No more ‘smoking room’ inside for the smokers. Smokers are no longer considered as cool but a health hazard to non-smokers. They are now being pushed outside to smoke in designated areas so that they will not contaminate the air of non-smokers. In colder climates, this means freezing their butts in extreme cold temperature, just so they can get that nicotine fix.

If being treated like 2nd class citizens is not enough to convince someone to quit smoking, let’s explore some of the more common reasons why someone should quit smoking.

  • Health reasons. Smoking can cause heart disease, stroke, lung cancer, oral cancer, high blood pressure, emphysema and impotence in men. This means smokers won’t live as long.
  • Prices keep going up! The Government keep raising the taxes to pay for health care.
  • Smoking causes wrinkles.
  • You stink!
  • Smoking desensitizes your sense of tastes and smell.
  • People will like you more if you stop smoking.
  • The things in your house and your car won’t be cover with tar.
  • Better chance of pregnancy for women.
  • Most people lose weight after they quit smoking.
  • Smokers have more anxiety symptoms.

Even though smokers understand smoking is not healthy, some still need excuses to quit, such as quitting on January 1st as their New Year Resolution. Some say the fear of nicotine withdrawal is not what they want to experience.

So, why are some people not able to quit smoking no matter what, but others can quit without any problems?

Researchers believe most smokers who are able to quit simply because they want to quit. If a person enjoys the feelings associated with smoking or enjoys the smokers’ lifestyle, then they may find it very difficult to quit. It is very difficult to break a life-long habit if there’s so much pleasurable feelings attached to it and so much pain attached to quitting. Therefore, one needs to decide they want to quit and it is the time to quit. Visiting the Doctor for advice may be beneficial with quitting.

For those who are not ready to quit, perhaps an alternative product may be of interest. The last few years, a new product called the Electronic Cigarette, e-cigarette or Ecig, that is meant to be the alternative to traditional cigarettes, claims to be healthy as it doesn’t have all the harmful chemicals. No more carcinogens, tobacco or ash, these smokeless cigarettes are the getting more popular as they are allowed to be used indoors and no more cigarette odour.

The traditional cigarettes require smoke and combustion to release the nicotine but these e-cigarettes uses a battery powered atomizer to release the nicotine. They look, feel and even taste like a real cigarette and it’s even cheaper than traditional cigarettes. Some brands even have assorted flavours added to the cartridge.

There are many different brands electronic cigarettes available but they all pretty much work the same way. Shop around for the best features and price. Below are a few companies that offer the e-cigarettes.

Should you worry about smoking?

Should you worry about how to quit smoking?

Should you worry about electronic cigarettes?

You decide!

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